Vietnam 5 Year Visa Exemption
176 miesięcy temu
Post był edytowany 1 raz przez Ron4 (ostatnio: 176 miesięcy temu)
It used to be that anyone wanting to stay in Vietnam for a long time could just get a 3 months tourist/business visa and extend it indefinitely. Many expats have stayed in Vietnam for years using this method. However, in the past years, there seems to be a concerted effort by the Vietnamese Government to crackdown on undesirables which includes backpackers illegally employed Chinese/non-Vietnamese Asians, and Africans that are accused of propagating drugs and prostitution.

Nowadays, most people entering Vietnam can only obtain 1 month/3 month tourist Vietnam Visa which they can at most renew twice. This is a major issue for retired expats that have chosen to settle in Vietnam and for foreign English teachers without a work permit.

Of course, If you have a work permit, you can stay as long as your permit allows, however work permits are not easy to come by. If you are employed in Vietnam, it is the responsibility of your employer to obtain a work permit for you. Many employers are not willing to go through the trouble and expense (about $500) of filing for a work permit, except for their most valued employees. We are not going to delve into the process of what it takes obtain a work permit since many other expat blogs have already expounded on this issue. We will say that if you are one of the lucky few that have a work permit; you are legally entitled to take your work permit with you if you leave your current employer, that way you can just file your permit with your new employer instead of having to refile for a new permit. Work permits are only valid for 12 monthsâ??so you will have to go through the entire process yearly.

If you or your parents were born in Vietnam or if you are married to a current or former Vietnamese citizen, you do have another option if you wish to stay in Vietnam for an extended period of time, it is called the 5 Year Visa Exemption (Mien Thi Thuc). In an effort to boost the number of overseas Vietnamese that come to Vietnam and infuse the country with money and investment, in 2007, the Government of Vietnam passed a law which allows people who meet specific conditions to stay in Vietnam for 5 years (90 days continuous) without being required to have a Visa. This is akin to having a 3 month multiple entry Tourist Visa that is valid for 5 years. If you meet the criteria, the cost to obtain a 5 Year Visa Exemption is only $20 for the first certificate and only $10 to renew it thereafter

1. Completed copy of the Visa Exemption Application
2. Passport (still valid for at least 6 months) + 1 copy
3. 2 recent (4 x 6 cm) photos. Please kindly note that the size is NOT the same as your country passport photos.
4. 1 form (Giay Bao Lanh) filled out by a Vietnamese Citizen.
5. $30 money order ($20 for the certificate, $10 processing fee).
6. A Self-Addressed/Stamped Envelope

If you are a foreigner married to a current or former Vietnamese citizen or the child of one, you also need to include some sort of proof of relation to your Vietnamese spouse/immediate relative.

The 5 Year Visa Exemption is great if you regularly travel to Vietnam to vacation or visit relatives and you do want to apply for Visas each time.
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