Temple of the Golden Pavilion in Japan
187 miesięcy temu
Originally built in 1397 on a serene pond which reflects its splendour and beauty, the Golden Pavilion is known as a Zen Buddhist temple found in Kyoto, Japan.

The temple was burned down twice during the ?nin War and the present structure dates from 1955. The Golden Pavilion, or Kinkaku, is a three-story building on the grounds of the Rokuon-ji temple complex. The top two stories of the pavilion are covered with pure gold leaf.

If you are interested to see more, please watch this video: Temple of the Golden Pavilion

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185 miesięcy temu
It looks very quiet and I'm just more and more suprised when I see place like this because I didn't know that they are on lists like UNESCO's World Heritage and more I jut didn' know about they existence.
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174 miesięcy temu
Hi anastasia i like the way you collect the information regarding different places.and shows the images.
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16:15, 29.07.2009 - anastasia
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06:30, 01.09.2010 - ShawnAlvin
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