Victoria Falls
188 miesięcy temu
Post był edytowany 1 raz (ostatnio: 188 miesięcy temu)
The Victoria Falls, also known under the name of Mosi-oa-Tunya (the Smoke that Thunders) is a waterfall located in southern Africa on the Zambezi River between the countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe. The falls are some of the largest in the world and is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

Best & worse times to visit

Generally, it's best to avoid the peaks of the rainy season and dry season. The weather is typically ideal at all other times.

Which side is best?

For the best rim-level view, visit the Zimbabwe side of Victoria Falls. For the best base-level view, walk down the rain-forest footpath on the Zambia side. For the best overall view, book passage on one of the Zambian or Zimbabwean flight-seeing tours - only then will you appreciate the size of this wonder.

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173 miesięcy temu
This was the one of the incredible scene i ever seen in my life no word to explain these kinds of scenery.
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151 miesięcy temu
The Victoria Falls has two seasons . one is after the peak flood season during March and April if you want to see the actual glory of the falls when masses of water cascade down into the river below, creating a magnificient cloud around the surrounding region. The other time is in the dry season between November and December when the water passing over the falls has decreased in amount. It looks beautiful to viewers standing below:)

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